Suky Stroud

Role: Community Manager at Zone

Date: 2013-2015

Cast your mind back to 2013...

Back when most brands weren't good at Twitter. Post-Dunk In The Dark, but pre-Brands Saying Bae. It was during this dark time that I joined Zone as their first Community Manager, to take the reins on Tesco's social. 

They were not popular. Because, you know, horsemeat... 

Over the course of the next couple of years, I became trusted as the guardian of Tesco’s social tone of voice, and soon landed on their sweet spot. 

Although we found success on Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest, it was Twitter where the magic really happened. Our (always organic) punny, cheesy, self-aware tweets really cut through. Other British supermarkets started to jack that style, but *blows trumpet* I sort of pioneered it.

A handful of the thousands of posts I wrote and scheduled, for some ungodly reason, really ‘did numbers’. (See right).  

Others I love unconditionally…



still funny

Keepin' it agile

I developed a pretty sweet relationship with my Tesco clients. When we suggested tweeting more reactively, they were into it. By 2015, our agile strategy was chugging along so smoothly we decided to step it up a notch. We went full Newsroom

For two weeks straight my team convened to brainstorm every morning. They were heady days. The highlight? This tweet to Drake, which at the time clocked up 22K retweets, and earned (not for the first time) a fair few digital column inches.

Life made.  


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